As of March 24th I have launched my new Hatchfund Project. I have been asked by the Tohono Chul Park in Tucson, Arizona to show 24 pieces of work in the Welcome Gallery from August - November 2014. There will an open artist reception on August 15th beginning at 5:30 PM. The title of the body of work is Celebrate Our Sonoran Desert Wildlife.
I will be mixing my two styles of work of this show, layered, textured abstracts with birds/or animals, and my more representational, yet stylized pieces of birds and other critters of the Sonoran Desert, sometimes shown in their native habitats.
All Donations are Tax Deductible
I am very excited about the project and hope that you can help me out! I thank all of you out there who can donate to the project. I have set aside some fun, colorful, and birdy perks so please go to MY PROJECT to learn more!
Thank you!!!