As I mentioned, I would only post the images of the pieces that I have finished for the Tohono Chul Show here. I have been working diligently on my body of work. I have managed to complete 11 paintings for the show.
I have cleared my schedule as best I could for the next two months so that I have time to finish the work. My deadline is the end of July.
I am thoroughly enjoying using bright colors and molding pastes in some of these pieces. I really look forward to the abstract pieces like this snake above. Those are going to be more fun for me so I am saving them for last.
I am trying very hard to create pieces that will work well together. There is a lot more thought and planning that goes into creating a whole body of work, as opposed to individual paintings. It is a challenge and quite fun.
Last weekend was the Verde Valley Nature and Birding Festival. I didn't do all that well at this show. But this is why I am going so many shows, to determine which are the best for me to attend. I am hoping that I will get into the Rio Grande Birding Festival, even though it happens at my busiest time of year, November!
Its back to the studio for me.