Thursday, June 26, 2014

Almost Finished with Project!

I still have two pieces to finish but here are some more paintings for the Project and upcoming show at Tohono Chul. 

 I decided to paint a creepy crawly, the Tarantula. The Pyrrhuloxias are the last of the 24" square pieces.

 The Ringtail, one of my favorite mammals, was fun to paint. 

These four 12" squares are the last of that size. They look so cute together, don't they?
I have two large pieces left to finish now and then I will be completely finished. Then I need to create a few pieces for the Tucson Audubon Bird Festival. The festival is the same weekend as my opening at Tohono Chul! It will be a wild weekend, for sure!

Friday, June 13, 2014

More finished pieces for the show in August

It has been non stop painting in my studio as I continue to get my pieces ready for the show. I need to be finished with all of them by the end of July so time is running out! I have about 6 more pieces to go and most are small so that is great thing. 

I am having lots of fun working on these, but I will be ready for a break afterwards, that is certain. 
I hope that those of you who are in AZ will be able to pop into Tucson for the opening. August 15th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm. The show runs from August 15-November 9, 2014, for those of you who cannot make it for the opening. It will be held at the Tohono Chul  Park in Tucson, AZ. I will post one more set of images before the show...See you there!!