Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy, happy Holidays!!

On this Solstice eve, I look out my kitchen window and cannot believe my good fortune, to live in a place as beautiful as this! I am getting ready to start creating again and really looking forward to it. Although this holiday season has been a bit slow for me, I have high hopes for the future. Moving always disrupts sales. I have moved enough times now, I should know!! Some pieces I have finished at the end of 2012...posted above...
My yurt has been delivered and I am so excited to get it up and running that I can hardly wait. What a wonderful Yule gift I have received posthumously from my father! It will be a large space to create in. What fun things I have in store for 2013!! Please stay tuned and check out my Etsy Store for my newest creations.
Happy Holidays to All!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Prints...

As of December 15th I will be showing at the Art Barn at Wildlife West in Edgewood. It seems a very appropriate spot for my pieces. I am happy to leave work there. 

Here are some more pieces I finished for the upcoming show...

My artwork is now hanging at the Lovelace Hospital Radiation and Oncology building. I was surprised to see a huge variety of artwork hanging there. I love a city that embraces its artists and Albuquerque is one of those places!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Another Holiday Show

Coming up on December 16th Sunday I will be sharing a booth at the One Stop Coop at the Vista Grande Community Center in Sandia Park, NM. My fellow artist and new friend Brea Gables will be sharing the booth with me. If you are local, come out and see us! I have been busy preparing prints for this show...

But also, I have a few requests for particular species and am busy getting these small paintings completed. Along with those, I have a December commission to start and finish, and am working on a contest submission.

Although I wish I had more time to list all of these available on Etsy, I am falling short of that task. So if you are interested in a print, give me a bird, or animal and chances are that some time in the past 14 years I have painted that critter and I can have a print made for you. If not, I will add it to my list of species to complete!
Happy December!